East Riding Council remains 'on standby' to take Ukrainian refugees

The authority says it's received hundreds of enquiries asking how to help

Author: Karen LiuPublished 24th Mar 2022

East Riding Council is on standby to take Ukrainian refugees after receiving hundreds of enquiries asking how to help.

East Riding Council’s Overview, Management and Scrutiny Committee heard the system for resettling Ukrainians displaced by Russia’s invasion was ever-evolving, even by the hour.

Council Chief Executive Caroline Lacey told councillors County Hall officials were currently working from one sheet of paper’s worth of guidance which left many questions unanswered.

Council Equalities Champion Cllr Jacob Birch told the committee financial support would be available for locals who take Ukrainians in but further details were needed on amounts.

It comes as UN estimates put the number of Ukrainian refugees at more than 3.67m since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into the country in late February.

A further 6.5m are thought to be displaced within the country itself, according to data up to Wednesday, March 16.

Councillors heard the Ukrainian resettlement scheme was expected to work in a similar way to those put on for people who fled Afghanistan last year and Syria previously.

People taking in Ukrainian refugees will get support payments of up to £350, but councillors heard further clarification was needed on whether it was per family or individual.

The refugees themselves will receive payments of £200 to get them started after arriving, but councillors again heard it was unclear if it was for each person or whole parties.

People who apply to take Ukrainian refugees in will be subject to DBS checks and the council plans to support them with it.

Council Housing Director Paul Bellotti told the committee they were awaiting details on whether taking refugees in would change council tax or housing benefits.

The committee heard East Riding officials were working with those in Hull to set up a Ukrainian language help line for arrivals.

An email address has also been created for people interested in housing them to contact the council.

Councillors heard the address had already received hundreds of emails, including with pictures of people’s bedrooms and bathrooms to see if they are suitable.

But Ms Lacey told them the situation was fast-changing.

The chief executive said: “We’re really struggling to answer some of the questions because we’ve only got one side of A4 with Government guidance to work from which doesn’t answer all of them.

“All the information we’ve received from the Government so far is on our website.”

Cllr Birch told the committee the council was expecting to receive funding totalling £10,500 per family for three years to help settle them in the East Riding.

But he added the Afghan and Syrian schemes showed many would likely move elsewhere or decline places in the East Riding because a lot of refugees tend to prefer cities.

The councillor said: “Part of our work will include checking the homes of people offering them to make sure they’re appropriate and safe.

“The council is in essence on standby to receive further instructions from central Government.

“A lot of people have offered their homes but the majority of arrivals want to live in cities, either because that’s what they’re used to or because they don’t need to have a car.

“Not everyone who’s offered to help will have that offer accepted, but it’s not because they’re unsuitable.”

Meanwhile, councillors heard a total of four Afghan refugees had been resettled locally since Kabul’s fall to the Taliban in September effectively marked the end of the 20-year war there.

The programme for Syrian refugees displaced by the civil war which began in 2011 has seen 36 people resettled.

Councillors heard East Riding officials had arranged meetings to bring people from the same countries together and has been working to make sure their religious needs are met.

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