North Yorkshire's director of public health calls for clarity on Covid tier criteria

Dr Lincoln Sargeant wants to know how the county could move back down to tier 1 if it ends up in tier 2

Author: Edward BreslinPublished 22nd Oct 2020

A call for clarity has been issued by North Yorkshire's director of public health over the criteria for moving up and down the government's coronavirus restriction tiers.

North Yorkshire is currently in the lowest tier, known as tier 1.

But Dr Lincoln Sargeant wants to know if the county ends up moving up to tier 2, how and when it might be able to come back down to tier 1 again.

He believes it would provide motivation for the public to stick to any additional restrictions which may come in, if they know there is something 'to aim for'.

Dr Lincoln Sargeant said:

"If and when North Yorkshire were to move into tier 2, it would be important for us to understand what would be the benchmarks, what would be the indicators that would signal that we have been successful in the various measures, and that we could then step back down into tier 1.

"I think the public would want clarity, which would also be motivating, because if you know there is something to aim for, and if you achieve that then the restrictions can be lifted, I think that's more motivating for the public to get behind restrictions if and when they are introduced."