Consultation on new sites in Scarborough being considered

A Local Plan review is taking place.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 23rd Feb 2021
Last updated 23rd Feb 2021

As part of a review of its Local Plan, Scarborough Borough Council is inviting public feedback on more than 60 new sites put forward for potential development or change of use.

The majority of the locations have been suggested for housing development but other uses could include employment, retail, leisure, tourism or biodiversity enhancement and tree planting.

Scarborough Borough Council says: "The sites have not been submitted as planning applications. They are speculative suggestions by landowners and agents in answer to a call the council made last year to identify new sites for potential development that could be added to the borough’s Local Plan.

"The Local Plan is the formal document that sets out future development of the borough, drawn up by the council in consultation with the community. The current plan is being reviewed because it is more than three years old".

People can view the list of new sites and submit their comments here.

Additional sites could come forward in the coming months so the council is encouraging people to revisit its website every few weeks to stay up to date.

When coronavirus restrictions allow, the council intends to put up site notices around all of the suggested sites to increase awareness in local communities.

The council hasn’t carried out any assessment of the new sites and no decisions have been made about them. This process will follow and comments received during the current consultation will be used to help develop a draft version of a revised Local Plan. The plan will be subject to further consultation in 2022.

Cllr Liz Colling, Scarborough Borough Council cabinet member for inclusive growth, said: “The Local Plan is an important document that guides future development in our borough. It needs reviewing regularly to make sure it stays relevant to our communities and meets the needs of our ambition to build a better borough for everyone that lives, works and visits here.

“We are committed to engaging with communities early in the process when sites are first suggested so a wide range of views can be taken into account. We welcome all feedback, which will be used to guide which sites will be taken forward for further consideration.”