Chairman Of Scarborough's South Bay Traders Remains Hopeful The Town's Economy Can Recover

John Senior spoke to us following the government's lockdown announcement yesterday

Author: Chris Davis-SmithPublished 24th Nov 2020

England is facing tiered coronavirus restrictions until the end of March.

Tougher measures will be brought in for high risk areas when the lockdown ends next Wednesday.

All shops, hair salons and gyms can reopen.

Pubs in tier two can only trade if they serve substantial meals - while in tier three, it's just takeaways and deliveries.

John Senior's the Chairman of the South Bay Traders Association in Scarborough.

He's pleased restrictions will be loosening soon;

"It's great news that we're coming out of the full lockdown.

"I think it's really important for our town centre, as people will want to get out of their homes and into the shops-providing that it's safe to do so.

"The people who perhaps made their money in the summer will be eager to get out there now and put their cash back into the local economy.

"I keep my fingers crossed that over the next couple of weeks that the infection rates will drop below recent levels we've seen, so we can to stay in the lower tiers.

If we are forced into a higher tier, then we'll all have to make that sacrifice."

The country will exit the full winter lockdown on December 2nd.