Humberside Police issue statement on tougher restrictions

Humberside Police has issued a statement after its force area, including Bridlington and the East Riding, will go from Tier 1 restrictions to Tier 2.

Author: Karen LiuPublished 30th Oct 2020

Humberside Police has issued a statement after its force area, including Bridlington and the East Riding, will go from Tier 1 restrictions to Tier 2 tomorrow (Saturday 31st October).

Assistant Chief Constable Paul Anderson said:

“There are some key changes that people will need to be aware of. These are:

“People must not socialise with anyone who is not part of their household or support bubble, whether at home or in indoor public spaces.

“People can continue to meet family and friends not in their household or support bubble in outdoor settings. When they do so, they must not meet in a group of more than six people and keep two metres apart where possible.

“Visiting indoor hospitality, leisure and retail settings is restricted to one household, meaning two households must not meet in these settings, unless they are in a support bubble.

“For those trick or treating on Saturday, you can still do this as long as you stay outdoors in a group of no more than six (including the person answering the door). If you are mixing with people from other households outdoors you should maintain social distancing.

“I know that some people may be feeling frustrated that the restrictions have been stepped up, but I would ask that everyone, once again, makes the right decisions and take the right actions for the greater good.

“In the Humberside area we have been able to avoid higher levels of restrictions for longer due to rates of infections being some of the lowest. I thank everyone who has played their part in this tremendous effort so far. However, we are now, once again, in a position where we need to take action to reverse the spread, protect the NHS and save lives.

“I would also remind everyone that following the tier 2 rules is the best way to ensure that we do not need to move into tier 3, where restrictions are far tighter and the impact on our lives, businesses and communities will be affected even further and for longer.

“My officers have worked with our communities throughout the pandemic, engaging with those not following the rules, explaining why this is important and encouraging them to follow them. The people of the Humber region have risen to the challenge. We will continue to use this policing approach, however, where individuals are persistently refusing to follow the rules, we will take action and we will issue fines."

For full details of tier 2 rules, visit