Thirsk volunteers sort through 18 TONNES of aid gifts for Ukraine refugees

More people are being invited to come and offer a hand

The team have packed over 3,000 boxes of stuff
Author: Ana Da SilvaPublished 11th Mar 2022
Last updated 11th Mar 2022

Over 18 TONNES of donations have been packaged by a group of volunteers in Thirsk in recent days.

The aid will be given to the people of Ukraine who've had to flee their war-torn country, and are finding shelter on the Polish border.

One of the volunteers, Genevieve Derham, told us about the important work the team are doing there:

"Our fantastic volunteer team is sorting through all the aid that's been gifted. It needs sorting into boxes for easy transport and we need to check that there's nothing that we can't send.

"It also needs to be labelled, numbered, weighted and listed to help with getting through customs at the other end."

The first convoy of aid already left for Poland and the team here are getting another one ready for Wednesday - but they won't stop there:

"At the end of the month, an artic lorry with aid will be departing Thirsk to join a convoy heading out to the Moldova-Ukraine border, in partnership with a small charity called Teech", says Genevieve.

"Moldova is already an incredibly poor country so any aid that we can get out to help the refugees there will be incredible."

"We just couldn't sit on the sofa and do nothing"

Genevieve tells us she's been moved by the scars of the conflict, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine deepens and leads millions to flee their home country.

"We're all just in shock about what's happening at the moment.

"I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that we couldn't just sit on the sofa and do nothing.

"So here we are, mucking in, doing our best, and hoping that our little contribution makes a big difference to the people that need it."

Speaking about the sheer volume of donations the team has had to sort through in recent days and weeks, Genevieve said:

"We've been absolutely blown away by the generosity of the people of Thirsk and those close to the North East.

"From aid, to volunteers, to drivers, to money... It's been absolutely incredible."

"We've packed over 3,000 boxes at the moment and we're still collecting and still sorting!"

Welcoming more donations and volunteers

The team in charge keeps their volunteers up to date with their current site and the priority items needed at the Ukrainian borders, for those wishing to donate, via Facebook.

For more information on how to help - with donations and/or helping the team package the items - you can follow their Facebook page.