Teenage girl sexually assaulted

It happened in Wheldrake on Sunday morning (15 November)

Police are investigating a sexual assault on a teenage girl
Author: May NormanPublished 16th Nov 2020

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for information from the public after a teenage girl was sexually assaulted in a village just outside of York.

The alleged attack too place at the sports field at Wheldrake Recreation Centre, Broad Highway in Wheldrake around 3.15am on Sunday (15 November).

Officers are appealing for anyone who was in the area of the sports fields or surrounding streets between 2am to 4.30am that morning (15 Nov) to contact them.

They would also like to speak to those who may have information or dashcam footage which could assist the investigation.

A scene guard is currently in place and enquiries are ongoing.

If you have any information please call 101 quoting ref: 12200201099. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.