City of York Council say 'stay safe and shop local this weekend'

They say coronavirus rates in the city are falling and they're asking residents to keep up their efforts as they adapt to the new local 'tier' restrictions

Author: Edward BreslinPublished 5th Dec 2020

Council leaders in York are thanking residents and businesses for their efforts in slowing the spread of coronavirus and asking people to stay safe and shop local this weekend.

In recent weeks the city has seen substantial reductions in the case rates and positivity rates in the city.

The latest York Open Data release has shown that:

• The latest official “validated” rate of new Covid cases per 100,000 of population for the period 22.11.20 to 28.11.20 was 9. The national and regional averages at this date were 155.4 and 191.5 respectively (using data published on on 3.12.20).

• As at 29.11.20, the latest 7 day positivity rate in York (Pillar 2 only) was 87%. The national and regional averages are 7 % and 8.2% respectively.

• Attendance at York schools remains high, with over 90% of pupils in school at any time; significantly above the national average attendance of 86%. The figure reflects the hard work of school staff and support from pupils and parents, in helping to keep York schools open.

• Since 22 October the local contact tracing service has reached 74.8% of those the national service was unable to reach, meaning 240 people were offered advice and support. This means we are able to identify more contacts than before who will then be asked to self-isolate to slow the spread. Reasons we are unable to get in touch with people can vary and includes people being in hospital. Those we were unable to reach either through phone calls or a home visit had a leaflet with advice put through their door with information about contacting the local service and the support available.

This weekend is the first since the national restrictions ended and the city is being asked to keep up their efforts to keep the people we love safe and the places we love open:

• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

• Wear a face covering in busy public spaces.

• Give people space and keep apart from people you don’t live with (2m is best).

• If you have symptoms you should stay at home, only leaving to get a test.

• Self-isolate when asked to by test and trace as well as if you have symptoms.

• Meet those you live with outdoors but not in groups of more than six

Councillor Keith Aspden, Leader of City of York Council said:

“Thanks to the incredible efforts of our businesses and residents York’s cases are the lowest in the region and continuing to fall.

“As we adapt to the local restrictions we can’t be complacent and we must to all we can to keep ourselves and others safe. Please do support local businesses where you can but let’s keep doing what we have done so successfully to slow the spread by remembering ‘Hands, Face, Space’. For those who need help our Coronavirus support line is still there to help on 01904 551550 or”

Fiona Phillips, Assistant Director for Public Health at City of York Council said:

“Whilst latest data is encouraging and demonstrates the fantastic efforts of everyone in the city we must keep going. The amazing news that a vaccine has been approved is a light at the end of the tunnel. However now isn’t the time to take down our guard so must do all we can to keep the places we love open and the people we love safe.

“We know how important it is to catch up with friends and family we haven’t been able to see in recent weeks but please do so safely. We know none of this is easy and are incredibly grateful for the sacrifices made. They have made a huge difference in stopping the virus from spreading. Let’s keep going.”

Superintendent Mike Walker, lead for North Yorkshire Police’s Covid-19 response said:

“Thank you to all those residents and businesses who have adapted to the new tier system and who are continuing to follow the guidance and act responsibly for the safety of the most vulnerable among us.

“As we know, the best way to beat this virus is to work together, so please do remember the hands, face, space guidance this weekend and please be aware of the restrictions around indoor and outdoor gatherings. We all know that it only takes the poor decisions of a few, to jeopardise all the progress that has been made over the recent national lockdown.

“Our local policing teams will be patrolling over the weekend, engaging with the public and ensuring that everyone is acting in a safe and responsible way and in line with Government guidance. We’ll also be working closely alongside our local authority partners and agencies, continuing in our joint effort to stop the spread of the virus.”

Sean Bullick, Managing Director at Make It York said:

"Shopping local is more important than ever in order to support the many wonderful businesses we have in the city in the run up to Christmas.

“Businesses across York are working hard to ensure that measures in place to keep residents and visitors safe and it is positive to see that this is paying off with the city's Covid cases continuing to fall. We'd encourage residents to continue to support local businesses, attractions and retailers and safely enjoy what the city has to offer this festive period."

You can quickly find out all the ways to support local businesses, on and offline, through

You could also win a £25 York Gift Card every day during Advent. Go to of follow The York Bid on social media to find out how.

The latest data release is