"It's safer for me to stay in York on my own this Christmas"

We've been speaking to a young carer in York about lockdown for our #YoungCarersCount campaign.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 13th Nov 2020
Last updated 13th Nov 2020

It’s hoped more awareness can be raised around the challenges that young carers face in York.

It's as a new report shows two out of three young carers felt more stressed and worried about the future because of the impact of the pandemic, while 58% said lockdown had increased their caring workload by 10 hours a week or more.

Katherine Macy is 22 and has been caring for her mother since she was 10. Katherine's mum had a nervous breakdown when her brother was just 4 years old. She told Greatest Hits Radio York: "As a carer during both lockdowns it's been quite tough. I had to make the really difficult decision to not go home to the person I care for during lockdown. I didn't feel safe travelling, and that means I've not been able to care for my family physically.

"It's meant a lot of conversations with my younger brother about how to do things, and I've not been able to see my family for a very long time. I also know that my brother has been refused entry into shops sometimes, because young people aren't seen as vulnerable people who could be carers.

"Not only can young people be vulnerable, but we (Katherine and her brother) are carers. It's been difficult trying to make sure we can get online shopping, when my brother has been refused the early access hours that a lot of local shops have been doing".

Katherine lives in York but is originally from Hertfordshire. She is now faced with the prospect of spending Christmas alone: "I've pretty much come to the conclusion that it's safer for me to stay in York for Christmas on my own.

"If I were to carry something home, I'd never be able to forgive myself. It will be really difficult. I was really looking forward to Christmas this year.

"I'm looking forward to the hopeful Christmas Zoom quizzes and seeing what different things we can explore together through the opportunities that lockdown has provided us.

"It's very easy to focus on the negatives, but part of being a carer is that you learn to look at the positives".

You can find out more about our #YoungCarersCount campaign here: https://planetradio.co.uk/greatest-hits/uk/news/young-carers-count-investigation/