Riverside path in York to be upgraded

It's in preparation for the York Central development.

Author: Chloe LaversuchPublished 23rd Nov 2020

A riverside route is set to be upgraded – in preparation for the York Central development.

The path alongside the River Ouse between Scarborough Bridge and Jubilee Terrace could be widened to make more space for pedestrians and cyclists.

Lighting along the route will be improved and work will take place to reduce the flood risk.

City of York Council have yet to agree on the terms of purchasing the land – with engineers set to carry out investigations on the site this winter.

The route has been earmarked for upgrades to complement the York Central development. A report prepared for a council meeting stated: “During the My York Central consultation the need was expressed for improvements to the riverside path between Scarborough Bridge and Jubilee Terrace, to widen the shared pedestrian cycle route, improve lighting and reduce flood risk,” says a report prepared for a council meeting.

“The route will augment the new pedestrian and cycle routes through the site.

“Part of the existing path is on land that the council leases, and that lease expires in 2023. The lease was originally granted to the council by the London and North East Railway Company in 1924, but the freehold is now held by a property company.”

The council wants to either buy the freehold for the land or secure a long term lease, to secure it for future use.

Documents prepared for a council meeting say: “A report will be provided once these investigative works have been completed and further discussions have been undertaken with the owner as to the potential to secure a purchase/ lease renewal.”

The project will be discussed by senior councillors at a meeting on Thursday.