Loud bang reported in North Yorkshire

It was felt in York, Ryedale, Pickering and Kirby Misperton.

Author: Harry LongPublished 17th Nov 2021
Last updated 17th Nov 2021

There have been reports of a loud bang and a shudder in parts of North Yorkshire.

It seem to have happened just before 4pm - and was felt in York, Ryedale, Pickering and Kirby Misperton.

People have taken to Twitter, reporting their houses shaking and feeling the ground tremble.

The British Geological Survey said seismologists determined it to have been the result of a sound as opposed to movements in the ground.

In a statement, the British Geological Survey said: "BGS have received a number of reports from residents in North Yorkshire who reported an event at approximately 15:50 UTC today.

"Data from the BGS seismic networks in the region were examined and signals consistent with a possible sonic origin were recorded between 15:47:42s and 15:49:23s UTC on several stations, on the BGS seismic network, in North Yorkshire.

"The reports received are also consistent with historical observations received for previous events with a sonic origin."