Call for stigmas and attitudes around suicide to change in York

It's World Suicide Prevention Day today (10th September).

World Suicide Prevention Day
Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 10th Sep 2020

We’re being urged to have more conversations about suicide and to challenge stigmas around it.

It’s World Suicide Prevention Day, with virtual events taking place to offer support to those who are struggling.

Andy Chapman is the Suicide Prevention Lead for City of York Council.

He told us: "unfortunately we've not been able to hold a conference in person this year like we have for the last four years due to Covid-19.

"I'll be joining a national webinar, and there are lots of opportunities for joining different things online - including access to training".

Andy went on to say: "whole communities can play a part in reducing suicide. Some people say 'well every day should be about suicide prevention' - and I absolutely agree with that. We need to talk more openly about suicide and to update our language around suicide.

"Stigmas are one of the barriers to people seeking help. Suicide prevention is about changing attitudes. This is an opportunity for people to take notice and start taking action. We need to see what we can do personally to join the conversation and help prevent suicide.

"Each individual's circumstances are unique and isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has had a bit hit on people's mental health. On the other hand there have been some very positive stories about communities coming together and people being better connected".

Andy has passed on these details for support:

Samaritans 116123

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide HopelineUK 08000684141

Campaign Against Living Miserably 0800585858

NHS 111

Shout 24/7 text service Text SHOUT to 85258

Hub of Hope

York Mental Health Crisis team 0300 0200317

The Haven Clarence Street York (currently accessible via phone) 6pm-11pm 07483141310/07483141307 haven@mhm@nhs,net

York District Hospital A and E , Psychiatric Liaison Team

Your GP surgery

York MIND 01904 643364

Or if you can Download the Hub of Hope and Stay Alive Apps

No one should have to suffer suicidal thoughts in silence. Please tell somehow you feel and help them to help you.