Call for action on cancer backlog in York

York Central MP Rachael Maskell is supporting the Catch Up With Cancer campaign.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 2nd Sep 2020

The Government’s being urged not to forget cancer patients in York as it deals with Covid-19.

A cross party letter’s been signed calling for emergency action to tackle a cancer backlog.

The Early Day Motion supporting the 'Catch Up With Cancer' campaign says: "experts widely predict the UK could be set to lose tens of thousands of lives unnecessarily to cancer as a result of the cancer backlog induced as a consequence of the NHS’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We want an emergency response and national effort to get all cancer services, from diagnostic through to cancer treatments and trials, back up and running with immediate effect. A full cancer recovery plan is needed with the same level of urgency and energy as was deployed against the virus itself".

York Central MP Rachael Maskell has signed the letter, and says: "there have been many people that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, including those with other underlying health issues that can't get the treatment that they need.

"There are many more questions than normal on how treatment has been disrupted. Clearly there has been a backlog and we need the resources to address that.

"Ultimately this is about people's lives, and as an MP I'm determined to stand up for my constituents and ensure they get support. We need to make sure the Government invests in getting the right cancer treatment now and in the future".

We've contacted the Government for a statement.