Zak Hardaker Fined By Rhinos

Published 8th Apr 2015

Leeds and England full-back Zak Hardaker has been fined one month's salary and must take an anger management course after he was arrested by police investigating an assault on a student earlier this year.

Hardaker and Leeds team-mate Elliot Minchella were last month released without charge after helping police with their investigation into the incident in Leeds on February 3, with both players agreeing to pay £200 compensation and issuing a written apology under a "community resolution".

On Wednesday, the Rhinos announced the results of their own investigation into the incident, with a total of five players being punished, Hardaker the most strongly.

Hardaker will donate one month's salary to charity, take an anger management course and do up to 20 hours a week of voluntary work for the remainder of his current Rhinos contract.

Minchella has received a written warning and fined 50% of his monthly salary, while three other players who were on the night out - Rob Mulhern, Josh Walters and Ash Handley - have each received a fine and a verbal warning.

In a statement, Rhinos chief executive Gary Hetherington said: "The Leeds Rhinos Players' Code of Conduct prohibits players from visiting licensed premises after midnight without prior permission from me or the head coach. Our investigation has revealed this regulation was breached by five players on a midweek evening before the start of this season.

"Furthermore Zak Hardaker and Elliot Minchella were involved in an incident at a student accommodation building, which led to a police investigation and a written apology from both players to a student and a £200 compensation payment from Hardaker and Minchella.

"Our internal investigation has now concluded. It has been an exhaustive process and we are always disappointed when players fall below the standards we expect of them and let everyone else down. The players themselves are embarrassed and very apologetic and I am sure it has been a lesson learned for all involved."

Hardaker received a harsher punishment than Minchella due to his previous record of misconduct.

The 23-year-old was fined £2,500 and given a warning by Leeds for breaching their code of conduct after being thrown out of England's World Cup squad in 2013 for misconduct.

He also served a five-match ban imposed by the Rugby Football League last June after being found guilty of making homophobic comments to referee James Child during a game at Warrington.

Hetherington added: "Zak is full of passion and enthusiasm and has many qualities that are to be admired in a young player but a small part of him has led to problems and this has to be addressed, not only for the image of the game but most importantly for Zak's own well-being and his ability to fulfil his potential.

"We have passed the point of telling him what he has to do, however, for the first time Zak has admitted to us and, more importantly to himself, that he has an issue with aspects of his lifestyle which he wants to improve. We have listened to what he has committed to do for himself and we will support him."