Women to 'Reclaim' Streets of Leeds

Published 21st May 2015

Women are taking to the streets of Leeds this evening to banish fears over safety.

The protest march organised by students at Leeds University follows a violent sex attack in Beeston over two months ago.

They’re hoping hundreds of women will turn up to the march in Hyde Park, in an attempt to reclaim the streets.

Freya Govus helped organise the event and says people are still concerned: “**At the minute the situation is bad but I think it’s about an everyday thing as well. There’s been a lot of tension in our community around these attacks, but it is part of an everyday struggle that women face as well.”

The march begins at 8.30pm at Leeds University Union. The female-only march will use the slogan Hype the Park, as well as disco music and fancy dress, to raise awareness.

The organisers hope students and local residents will join together to show solidarity in ‘a time of fear’.

“We can be safe and we should be safe in groups as well as alone,” says Ablaa Klaa, another of those who helped set it up.

“Areas shouldn’t be off limits to us because of sexual harassment. Coming out as a community is really important."

It comes after a meeting on Monday between West Yorkshire police and local MPs, councillors and universities.

Chief Inspector Fran Naughton, who heads neighbourhood policing in north-west Leeds, said: “We want people to be vigilant and give proper consideration to their personal safety but not to be unduly alarmed.

“Our advice to people is the same as it would be at any other time. We'd ask they think about their personal safety when out a night. Ideally don't walk alone, get a bus or licensed taxi, and stick to well-lit areas.

“Social media is a powerful tool that can be used very positively and it has assisted us in circulating our ongoing appeals for information to a wide audience.

"We would however ask that people exercise caution when posting details of potentially suspicious incidents. Any such incidents should be reported immediately to the police and we will look into the circumstances and take appropriate action.”