Wetherby Mum Backs Drowning Campaign

Published 28th Sep 2015

The mother of a York student who drowned on a night out is backing a new campaign warning young people to stay safe near water.

Jackie Roberts’ daughter Megan from Wetherby died after falling into the River Ouse almost two years ago.

“It’s become very important to me since then for her memory to live on by doing something positive and hopefully preventing further tragedies,” Jackie says.

“I didn’t ever think Megan would lose her life in this way. It’s never something I was concerned about.

“Unfortunately alcohol has a certain effect on people and they’re often disoriented and uncoordinated. Some people jump in deliberately not realising the effects of the cold water.

“The impact on family and friends is just dreadful. It is really hard to get the message across, but I wouldn’t want anyone else’s parents to go through what I’m going through.”

The Royal Life Saving Society says 1 in 4 adults that drown have alcohol in their bloodstream.

They’ve launched their ‘Don’t Drink and Drown Campaign’ to raise awareness among young people – especially students – to be conscious of the dangers of walking near water after drinking.

Adrian Lole is from the Society and says students are particularly vulnerable: “It’s a campaign to remind students that whilst they’re engaged in their freshers week activities going back to university, to think about their home and think about their mates. Because unfortunately we keep seeing people lose their lives.

“It very quickly can turn to disaster just because of not quite planning the route home or failing to look after someone. Alcohol impairs your ability to make sensible judgements. It numbs your sensitivity down and just slows your reaction time.”