West Yorkshire "could move down into tier 2" after 2 weeks

Local leaders are urging residents to work together

Author: Seb CheerPublished 27th Nov 2020
Last updated 27th Nov 2020

West Yorkshire's leaders say the region could move down to tier 2 on 17th December, just 2 weeks after the restrictions come into force.

Yesterday, it was announced West Yorkshire will move to tier 3 from Wednesday (2nd December).

READ MORE: What do the new rules mean for West Yorkshire?

But leaders in Leeds say the region could move down a step in restrictions when ministers review the tiers across England on 16th December.

Leeds City Council's leader, Judith Blake, said she wants ministers to "really understand how the infection rates are going down, but also the devastating impact of closing our hospitality sector over Christmas."

"We have had the opportunity to speak to ministers … and stressed the importance of the next two weeks."

In the meantime, Leeds City Council say they're fighting for local businesses.

Cllr Blake added: "So many jobs are dependent on the businesses that are affected by this.

"It's not just the businesses that are closed, but all of the supply chain and suppliers. All of the many many businesses that are deeply affected at this moment in time."

"We will be impressing on ministers just how important the hospitality sector is to the city as a whole. This is a very challenging time and we all need to continue working together."