West Yorkshire to get more armed police

West Yorkshire is getting an extra 50 armed police officers to help protect against terror threats.

Published 1st Apr 2016

West Yorkshire is getting an extra 50 armed police officers to help protect against terror threats.

Nationally, 400 armed police are to be recruited by forces outside of London over the next two years.

This number comes on top of the 600 officers the Prime Minister announced for London in January, and follows a review he ordered after November's Paris attacks.

West Yorkshire will get funding for 24 counter terrorist armed officers who will respond to incidents across the North East region.

The force will fund an additional 26 armed officers who will be deployed in armed response vehicles. They'll also be able to respond to any terror threat outside the county.

In a statement, the force said: "West Yorkshire Police welcomes the uplift in the number of police Authorised Firearms Officers (AFOs) as an important step in protecting the public and keeping them safe."