WATCH: Sir David Attenborough narrating Pokemon Go

What's better than Pokemon Go?

Published 25th Jul 2016

What's better than Pokemon Go?

Combining the hit mobile game with one of the best known naturalist and broadcasters, Sir David Attenborough.

A video has been circulating online combining the distinctive voice of Sir David spliced with clips from Pokemon Go.

The clip starts with a Sir David saying, 'hunting animals need hunting grounds' as the Pokemon Go player identified as Dave walks the streets of Dublin.

Encountering a Spearow on a road Sir David's narration continues, 'it is, of course a bird, a red-tailed hawk' before the Spearow is promptly caught.

Next cutting to a Charmander the narration describes it as the 'most powerful killer on Earth' before humans devised weapons.

Later in the video Dave finds a wild zubat, 'bats, with their fluttering zig-zag flights are not easy targets' Sir David comments as the Zubat dodges the Pokeballs thrown at it.

Finally successful in capturing the Zubat Sir David ends with 'that is one bat that will not return to the roost tonight'.

The video was created by Dublin-based film writer and director Dave Thorpe and posted on Lovin Dublin's website which has now received over two million views.

WATCH: Sir David Attenborough narrating Pokemon Go »