Warning from Leeds Woman Knocked Down on Yorkshire's Most Dangerous Road

Published 19th Feb 2015

A Leeds woman who was knocked down on Yorkshire's most dangerous road is urging drivers to stay focussed.

Megan Green was hit by a car while crossing the A61 at Robin Hood Village near Wakefield in December 2006. Last year, the road was named by the Road Safety Foundation as the most high-risk road in Yorkshire. From 2010 to 2012, there was an average of 24 incidents a year on the 10.3km stretch between junction 44 of the M1 and Wakefield. Cyclists or pedestrians were involved in 57 per cent of them. Megan, who was 15 at the time, suffered bleeding on the brain which require emergency surgery to remove a portion of her skull. She also suffered a collapsed lung and a number of soft tissue injuries. Megan spent seven months at the Leeds General Infirmary until, after months of rehabilitation and support, she was able to return to school. She then moved on to college, although she still needs assistance from her mum with some day-to-day tasks. The driver of the vehicle involved was hampered by low winter sun. He and his insurers admitted partial liability for the accident. Irwin Mitchell solicitor Martha Sweet, who represented Megan, said: “This case shows the consequences of failing to be fully aware of other road users and adjusting driving styles to suit the conditions, particularly on roads such as this which are known to be dangerous. "Driving in the winter poses a number of additional problems, such as low sun and glare, which were partly responsible for this terrible accident that left a young girl with life-changing injuries. * * “The A61 between the M1 and Wakefield has been described as the most high-risk road in the region and it is important steps are taken to prevent incidents like Megan’s in the future, as a split second distraction or lack of attention can have a life-changing impact on victims. * * “Megan was only 15 at the time of the accident and has faced a number of years of rehabilitation and recovery. Thanks to the support network she has, she was able to go on to college and is now doing very well but sadly others have not been so fortunate.” * * “I hope that now the A61 has been named as the most high-risk road in the region, motorists will take extra care while travelling it, particularly when weather conditions make it hard to see hazards such as pedestrians. * * “Unfortunately, I can’t turn the clock back and change what happened, but hopefully by speaking about my experiences drivers who use the stretch of road will ensure they remain vigilant while behind the wheel, particularly in the winter, when the low sun can reduce visibility and put vulnerable road users at greater risk.”