Two men jailed for violent attack on rough sleeper in Leeds

Dwayne Senior and Calum Lang were sentenced at Leeds Crown Court

Published 29th Apr 2016

Two men have been jailed for a violent attack on a rough sleeper in Leeds, which left the victim in hospital for three days.

33-year-old Dwayne Senior of Ashton View, Harehills, was sentenced to 17 months behind bars while Calum Lang, who's 22 from Fewston Avenue in Leeds, was sentenced to six months in a young offenders institute.

Both pleaded guilty to actual bodily harm at Leeds Crown Court on Monday 22nd April, following an investigation by British Transport Police.

The 30-year-old victim had been asleep in a makeshift bed under the railway arches when the two men, accompanied by another two men, went there to consume drugs.

The victim was woken up by Lang and Senior kicking and stamping on his face. He managed to raise the alarm before being taken to hospital, where he stayed for three days.

Detective Constable Rory Duran said: "The victim sustained bruising to his face and ribs and lost consciousness during the attack. He was extremely lucky that despite the violent and sustained attack on him by Lang and Senior, he didn't sustain more serious injuries.

"Both men were arrested near the scene following the attack and were charged with actual bodily harm.

"This was a shocking and callous attack on a vulnerable man, both men are now where they belong, behind bars."