Over three quarters of new mums in Leeds are stressed out

While having a baby can bring much joy, it can also bring a lot of stress with a new study revealing that 78% of mums in Leeds think that the first 6 months are the most stressful.

Published 2nd Mar 2016

While having a baby can bring much joy, it can also bring a lot of stress with a new study revealing that 78% of mums in Leeds think that the first 6 months are the most stressful.

In fact, two in three mums admit that until you have a baby you can’t anticipate the worry involved, while the same number claimed sleepless night are the hardest thing to cope with.

Colic (caused by indigestion, trapped wind, or gut sensitivity) can be a contributor to worry and sleepless nights affect one in five infants.

The research also revealed that over half (57%) of Leeds mums think having a baby can put a strain on your relationship.

Despite this, the study also showed that having supportive friends and family can make a huge difference to mums’ ability to cope with the stresses and strains of new parenthood.

More than half of those surveyed said grandmothers provide a supportive role during the first 6 months and more than 4 in 10 said it helps to have good friends around during the same period.