Streets Close In Leeds To Get Kids Outside

Leeds' kids are getting safer streets to play out on, as the council launches a new scheme

Published 11th May 2015

Leeds City Council are trying to promote the city as a Child Friendly Area and promote kids playing out. They are launching 'Play Streets'. It s a scheme where you can apply to the council to get your street closed off, so kids can play out safely.

In partnership with Leeds Play Network the council is making it easier for neighbourhoods to close their streets for children to play safely where they live.

A street in Roundhay will be closed to traffic on 11 May from 3.15pm to 5.15pm to allow outdoor play.

Street play sessions provide children with opportunities to play freely and safely on their own doorstep. Residents agree to get together to run organised street play sessions and apply to the council to temporarily close their street to through traffic which means children get a chance to play outside close to their home. Sessions usually last for a few hours and can be held weekly, fortnightly or monthly, either after school or at weekends.

Cllr Judith Blake is Executive Board Member for Childrens Services says:

“As part of our work to make Leeds the best city for children to grow up in, we’re making it easier for them to play freely and safely outdoors in their local community. Play Streets allows communities to reclaim some of the space around them, not only for children to play in but also for residents to get to know each other and build closer and friendlier neighbourhoods.”

“It’s important we provide spaces where children can be active and enjoy some of the more traditional play their parents and grandparents enjoyed.”

Closing your street for children to play is now simpler and easier than ever before. You can apply for a road closure through Leeds City Council website and local charity Leeds Play Network can offer support and practical help to anyone in Leeds wanting to start play street sessions. Leeds Play Network is working with Play England on the Street Play Active, Healthy Communities project funded by the Department of Health.

Neighbourhoods are encouraged to apply to close their streets for National Playday on Wednesday 5th August to promote the importance of children to play. Apply for a street closure before 24th June to support National Playday where you live.