Small Business Saturday: Will You Shop Local in Leeds?

Independent businesses are urging people to buy local on Small Business Saturday

Published 6th Dec 2014

Independent shops in Leeds are encouraging people to buy local today for Small Business Saturday.

Research shows that for every pound spent in independent businesses, 60p goes straight back into the local economy.

Ian Gone works in a bakery in Headingly. He told us why people should shop locally:

“Anybody who walks in my shop can see me making the produce by hand. There’s no additives, no preservatives – it’s all proper natural things that I use.

“If you go in a supermarket or a big commercial place and ask the shop assistant ‘what’s in that bread’ – they don’t know.”

Christmas is an important time for small businesses, and these smaller, local shops rely on people in their community during the festive period. Small Business Saturday is designed to promote the benefits of shopping locally to people across the UK.

“Fewer customers actually come in to our shop because they just can’t be bothered,” says Viktor, who owns a book shop in Hyde Park.

“They just sit at home and order things online. On the other hand, when we do get customers, they are surprised at how many good books we have here and how well-organised the system is. They probably find books that they thought they would never find.”

Tens of thousands of small businesses use Twitter talk to customers, and a recent study found that 77 per cent of users in the UK want to support small and medium sized businesses in the run up to Christmas.

In fact, 88 per cent of those surveyed said they plan to shop with smaller retailers, and have set aside on average £474 to spend on Christmas gifts this year.

But when we asked people in Leeds whether they shop locally, some told us they stick to big chains – with price, choice, parking and work among the reasons why.

“Maybe if I didn’t work the hours I do, I might use a green grocer,” one woman said.

Another told us: “I would rather get on a bus and go to Leeds than walk down to the shops. Parking is terrible in Headingley.”

One man said: “Sadly we don’t have any local stores any more, which is very disappointing.”