Rhinos Superfan Flies From Australia for Grand Final

Published 9th Oct 2015

As the Leeds Rhinos prepare for tomorrow’s Super League grand final, Radio Aire has been speaking to one super fan who’s got more riding on it than most.

Richard Wilkinson, 38, has flown 12,000 miles from his home in Sydney, Australia – and he has to be back there on Tuesday for work.

“It took me about 24 hours,” he says.

“I finished up work on Thursday afternoon then went to the airport and jumped on a plane.

“Just to see Kevin Sinfield in his last game. He’s been everything to our club and we owe him so much so, if I can be there for him, it’s easy to get over here.”

The Rhinos have the chance to win the treble for the first time in the club's history.

They take on rivals Wigan – a team they’ve not played in a Grand Final since 1998.

Leeds lost that match, but Richard says he’s trying not to think about the result.

“I’ve been a Rhinos fan pretty much all my life and there are no bigger legends that’ve ever played for the club than Jamie Peacock, Kevin Sinfield and Kylie Leuluai, who’s been a great import for Leeds.

“Whether we win or lose I just wanted to see them lace up their boots one last time. It was one of those games that I just couldn’t miss.

“I moved out there in January 2011 so I’ve been itching to get back for a few finals and been a bit gutted that I missed them. But with JP and Kev, I just couldn’t miss it. It’s been talked about between friends and family that I’m going to do it and it was sort of on my bucket list to come back for the weekend. I just had to do it.”