REVEALED: The Leeds Postcodes Among the Worst in the UK for BURGLARY

Published 23rd Jan 2015

West Yorkshire is among the worst areas in the UK for burglary, new figures have revealed.

Two postcodes in Leeds have ranked in the top 20 hotspots for the crime.

LS28 – which covers Bagley, Calverley, Farsley, Pudsey and Stanningley -takes 15th place in the list compiled by Money Supermarket.

Meanwhile, LS15 came in at 20th place, which includes Austhorpe, Barwick-in-Elmet, Colton, Cross gates, Halton, Halton Moor, Manston, Pendas Fields, Scholes, Temple Newsam and Whitkirk.

Michelle and her niece Sarah were both targeted by burglars at their homes in Cross Gates on the same day.

“You could see where they’d tried to prise open the front door and the back door,” Michelle says.

“Later on that day, that’s when I got the call that my niece had been broken into. I went up and got the kids because the house was a complete mess.

“They’d stolen the TV, video games, DVDs, money that she’d saved up…we just had to build up our lives again.”

Michelle says she was already nervous of burglars, but now feels even more wary:

“I felt violated. Even though they didn’t get in to my house, it still felt the same as if they’d got in and done it.

“My niece was upset, crying, she didn’t even sleep that night because she was frightened they were going to come back.

“The kids stayed at mine because the eldest was scared they were going to come back while he was at home.

“It was just leading up to Christmas. My niece had already done some Christmas shopping and the toys she’d got for the kids were taken as well. Having to go out and re-shop – it was just horrible.”

Other West Yorkshire postcodes to feature in the list were BD2 and BD18 in Bradford.

The list was compiled by looking at the highest rate of burglary claims made on insurance policies in 2014.

Essex and East London postcodes dominate the list, while other hotspots include Manchester and South Yorkshire.