Proud As Peacock:Rhinos Star's Testimonial

Published 20th Jan 2015

Jamie Peacock celebrated ten years with Leeds Rhinos this afternoon with a testimonial game against the side where he spent the previous nine years of his Super League career. Bradford Bulls will visit Headingley for the clash - possibly the only time the age-old rivals will clash this season, after Bradford's relegation due to a points deduction for going into administration.

JP began his career in rugby league's top flight at the Bulls in 1996, winning every trophy during his nine years there, but jumped at the chance to switch to his home town club where he's now spent another 10 seasons. He's already announced that this will be his final year and he'll be hanging up his playing boots at the end of Super League 2015 in the Autumn.

But before thoughts turn to what he does next ("management, here or elsewhere in rugby league" is what he'd like) or thoughts even turn to the upcoming campaign, it's today's clash with Bradford that's top of mind for Jamie, "It's a game I'm really looking forward to, I'm proud to have done ten seasons at Leeds to get the game and for it to be the one against the Bradford Bulls is very exciting.

"It seems like forever ago when my career started out, a lot of things have happened and I've had a lot of great times. I've been fortunate to have had a great career over the last 20 years. I'm very grateful for the break Bradford gave me and the opportunities I've had at Leeds as well.

And as it's a testimonial is JP expecting he'll have support from all sides of the ground? "I'm sure the Leeds fans will, I'd imagine some of the Bradford fans will, but there's still some hardcore Bulls fans who don't like me having come over to Leeds! But that's part of the local derby game, isn't it? I respect that as much as anything. Some of the die-hard Bradford fans may boo me still, we'll see!" And his hopes for the 2015 season? "Just to play as well as I possibly can, to enjoy the moments, enjoy the games and hopefully be successful as I can on the pitch with the team."