Project to restore Kirkgate presses ahead following fire

A major project to restore one of the oldest streets in Leeds will press ahead following the huge fire on Kirkgate earlier this month.

Published 26th Nov 2015

A major project to restore one of the oldest streets in Leeds will press ahead following the huge fire on Kirkgate earlier this month.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The blaze at Hills Furniture which broke out on November 6 caused extensive damage to the building, meaning it had to be demolished.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

But planning chiefs say the ongoing initiative to restore the Lower Kirkgate area will press ahead.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It aims to restore the historic character of the buildings, which was once the centre of the city’s cloth industry.

“The street is a bit scruffy, and it has been for years,” says Ann Rutherford from East Street Arts, who’s currently overseeing a project to build a new Art Hostel on the street.

“I think it is a shame. But there are several projects going on here, ours being just one of them.”

The Art Hostel is one of three independent businesses looking to open their doors in the coming months as part of the effort to regenerate the area.

“There are now three buildings that are being restored,” says Ann.

“Those are independent businesses run by people based in Leeds. It’s good that the project is finally beginning to happen with independent people rather than it just being another kind of ‘shopping experience’ that we’re used to in Leeds.

“There is definitely change now. I think it’s slow, but there’s no doubt that the funding is making some of the landlords of Leeds interested. Whilst this is great, there’s still the White Cloth Hall, which was part of a big plan the Council had five years ago. And that does need addressing."

Emily is in the process of opening a deli and bar on the street, and agrees that the area is finally beginning to look good.

“It’s quite exciting because we know that it’s going to look good. This is the first building to get done up and at the minute it kind of sticks out a bit. But the Art Hostel’s being built on the corner as well.

“It needs some TLC and it’s a shame it’s got to that point, but everyone’s really happy about it all changing.

“It’s a nice community on the street so everyone’s really excited that it’ll be a nice place to come to.”

Councillor Richard Lewis says the fire will not impact on plans to restore the area to its former glory.

The fire was obviously unfortunate and caused a significant amount of damage and disruption while the site was made safe.

“Despite this, we remain resolute in our determination to see this historic part of Leeds restored, refurbished and improved in a way that’s befitting of its importance to the city’s heritage.”

Investigation of the site following the fire has also revealed a number of features, including what could be a medieval timber framed building which had remained hidden until the demolition.

Council officers are now working with colleagues at Historic England to record any relevant information from the site.

Cllr Lewis added: “This sad incident has further emphasised just how historically important the area is and what a significant opportunity it represents to revitalise what we firmly believe can be a vibrant part of the of the city centre.

“The Townscape Heritage Initiative provides a once in a generation chance for owners to refurbish properties which are in need of repair, making them more attractive to shoppers and bringing new businesses into vacant premises.

“This is a long term vision, but the people of Leeds can be assured that the council is committed to ensuring that Lower Kirkgate is a place which the whole city can be proud of again.”

The Lower Kirkgate Townscape Heritage Initiative, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, aims to regenerate the First White Cloth Hall and other historic buildings.

The scheme has seen a total £1.05m awarded to the project from the HLF, which will be matched with £668k public funding.

This, along with £894k potential private funding, could bring the total investment to an estimated £2.6m.