New Year Resolutions

Leeds life coach offers advice on sticking by your resolutions

Published 2nd Jan 2015

Getting fit, drinking less and losing weight have been revealed as the top 3 New Year's Resolutions... so with 2015 now underway - have you set yourself a challenge...? Research shows most of us will set ourselves a goal for the new year - but only 1 in 10 of us will actually achieve it. The 17th of January has been identified as the day most people throw in the towel. But Leeds life coach <a class="article-body-link" href=" "Libby Steggles Ginn: Life Coach"">Libby Steggles-Ginn says it doesn't have to be that way, "The reason why so many people fail, is because they're doing it the same way or it's the same old challenge they want to accomplish. A lot of people go on the same diets, do the same exercise. So change, change your mindset, change how you do it. Shake it up a little bit. "People say that they're going to do it but they don't actually beleive that they can do it, there's something in the back going 'oh yeah but it's not going to happen'. It's about really visualising what it is that you want. Watch the language that you use, when people say 'I want to lose weight' it's about saying 'well I want to eat healthily, I want to be healthy'. "I've set a lot in my life over the past few years and I achieve. If you really want to. Some people maybe setting these goals but deep down in their subconcious they don't want to do it, so they're doing it because they feel that they should do it. So it's about finding out, do they really really want to achieve that particular goal?"