Man Gets Life Behind Bars for Shooting Police Officer

Published 30th Jul 2015

A gunman who blasted a police officer with a sawn-off shotgun leaving her severely injured has been jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 15 years in prison.

James Leslie, 39, shot Pc Suzanne Hudson through the glass door of his flat in Leeds at point-blank range, leaving her with serious injuries to her neck and a shredded hand.

Pc Richard Whiteley, who was with Pc Hudson at the time, has described how Leslie taunted the pair as his colleague lay injured.

The officer said Leslie then cycled off, laughing.

A judge, Mr Justice Lindblom, told Leeds Crown Court it was clear Leslie suffered from a personality disorder and needed ongoing treatment.

He said he had to decide whether to give him a prison sentence or send him to a secure hospital.

The judge decided to give Leslie a prison sentence but added a provision that he should be treated first at Rampton special hospital and returned to prison when his treatment is complete.

He said: "She (Pc Hudson) was extremely unfortunate that her duty took her to your doorstep that night and extremely fortunate to survive being shot by you through that door at point-blank range with that shotgun.''