Location of 66,000 New Homes in Leeds Revealed

A third will be in the city centre and inner areas of Leeds.

Published 5th Jan 2015

Proposals on the allocation of future housing developments to create 66,000 new homes in Leeds have been released. The plans, which account for housing growth in the Leeds district up to 2028 as part of the new Core Strategy, will be discussed by Leeds City Council’s development plan panel at the Civic Hall next Tuesday. The discussion forms part of the preparations of the Site Allocations Plan for future housing as well as employment, retail and green space growth in Leeds. The proposals see the city split into 11 geographical housing areas, with a total of 763 sites identified to provide 66,000 new homes and every area being allocated at least three per cent of the new homes total. The housing proposals follow the policies laid down in the Core Strategy, with commitments to the following key principles: - Building on brownfield sites first in order to promote regeneration and protect the green belt - Bringing existing empty homes back into use - Providing a significant proportion of new affordable housing - Fairness across the city in terms of new housing - Respecting and retaining community identities and character, rejecting possible suburban sprawl - Protecting green space and green infrastructure, supporting environmental enhancement - Supporting economic and job growth, in line with the Leeds Growth Strategy - New homes to be provided in a phased and co-ordinated way, ensuring only appropriate applications are approved in certain timeframes to be manageable and sustainable - Key strategic developments to be linked to early implementation of associated infrastructure such as the East Leeds Orbital Link Road, new school places, new cycle ways and key community facilities such as health services Leeds City Council executive member for neighbourhoods, planning and personnel Councillor Peter Gruen said: “Along with the report on employment, retail and green space this proposal for future housing has been carefully prepared as it is vital we get it right for the future of the city, its residents and the economy of Leeds. “Providing 66,000 new homes is a challenging ambition but one in line with the city’s aim to be the best in the UK. People will be interested to see how much is being proposed in their area, but I would say we have tried to be fair across the city, with a clear policy on brownfield sites being used first and bringing back into use existing empty buildings in order to help protect the green belt. People should also look at what we are protecting and excluding from development. “With the Core Strategy now in place we can get on with progressing these programmes to drive the city forward promoting growth across Leeds and ensuring it is a great place to live and work. A review of the new homes programme would be carried out after the first three years to assess its progress.” The two highest areas for new housing would be the city centre and ‘inner area’ of Armley, Beeston Hill, Belle Isle, Gipton and Harehills, Hyde Park and Woodhouse, Hunslet and Seacroft which would account for 34 per cent of the total to help boost regeneration and economic growth in those areas. Of the proposed sites, the net overall percentage split would see 62 per cent of developments on brownfield land and 20 per cent green belt, although Leeds City Council is looking to reclassify an area of rural land as green belt to provide a significant overall green belt increase in the city. Chair of Leeds City Council’s development plan panel Councillor Neil Walshaw explained: “As part of the proposals, the total amount of green belt identified to accommodate new homes is 819 hectares. However, the council is proposing to reclassify 1400 hectares currently designated as rural land in the north east of the city as green belt as part of the process, which would mean an overall net gain in the amount of green belt in the Leeds district. “Around all of the areas of possible development, the council has been working with infrastructure and service providers such as schools, health services and transport planners to ensure growth would be manageable and sustainable as that is essential in successfully introducing and accommodating any new housing.” The proposals will be discussed by the council’s executive board in February with the draft Site Allocations Plan expected to go out for public consultation later in the year. To see the full development plan panel report on new housing click HERE To see the proposals on employment, retail and green space growth click HERE