Local Sports Stars Honoured at Leeds Sports Awards

Published 6th Mar 2015

The man who brought the Grand Depart to Yorkshire has been honoured at the Leeds Sports Awards.

Gary Verity was presented with a Special Achievement Award at last night’s event at the Royal Armouries.

The Welcome to Yorkshire chief has been re-living some of his highlights, of what was a memorable year:

“The size of the crowds that came out everywhere was just phenomenal. The smiles and the emotions on everybody’s faces was very special.

“I want us to realise our full potential and I don’t think we’ve done that even yet.

“We had a glimpse of that with the Grand Depart but I think there are many other things we can be really raising our game on and punching our weight.”

Yorkshire County Cricket were given the accolade for Professional Team of the Year.

“Everyone’s very proud of coming from Yorkshire,” said cricketer Johnny Bairstow.

“I mean we saw when the Olympics were on how many people really came out and showed their support. As well as the Tour de France this year and the people that lined the streets.

“Sporting achievement throughout the county is something that is held in high regard. Us at Yorkshire and around Leeds are very proud to come from here and very pleased that we do get that recognition and that support.”

Diver Rebecca Gallantree was named Sportswoman of the Year, beating boxer Nicola Adams who won the award last year.

Triathlete Alistair Brownlee won Sportsman of the Year.