Local MP Speaks Of 'Terrifying' Hate Crime Attack

Published 30th Sep 2015

“It was a pretty terrifying experience and one that really knocked my confidence at the time. The fact that you're being attacked for who you are is something that's quite difficult to get your head around really.”

Victims of homophobic hate crime in Leeds are being encouraged to speak out about their experiences - so we can tackle the problem.

The Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel are meeting later to look at how police currently deal with incidents against LGBT people and what they can improve on.

It's got the backing of Pudsey, Horsforth & Aireborough MP Stuart Andrew, who was once knocked unconscious by 3 men because of his sexuality. “I'd been on a family reunion and left the event. I was followed by three men who were taunting me and calling me anti-gay sentiments, the next thing I know the three have set upon me and knocked me unconscious."

“Not only have you been attacked for who you are but then to have to go to the police and report it takes a great deal of courage and the police in West Yorkshire are very good at talking them through the process and showing them that they see it as a very serious crime.

“What we need to do is actually perhaps publicise more that the police are there to help and encourage people to report any incidents because i think sometimes people don't report them and that means the perpetrators get away with it and that's not on.”