LISTEN: Leeds Aid Worker Criticises Government Plans For Child Refugees In Europe

Rob Lawrie faced prosecution for trying to help a 4 year old Afghan girl get into the UK from the Calais Jungle.

Published 28th Jan 2016

An aid worker, who faced prosecution for trying to help a 4 year old Afghan girl get into the UK, has criticised government plans to only accept child refugees from camps in Syria.

The Prime Minister's been accused of being heartless for rejecting to help lone children who've fled to Europe.

The Home Office won't say how many youngsters they'll take in - but they'll only come from refugee camps in and around Syria.

49-year-old Rob Lawrie from Guiseley admitted to trying to bring a four-year-old Afghan girl into the UK while he was helping refugees in the Calais Jungle.

Radio Aire's Jaimielee Rendall spoke to him about the proposals, and about life now he's back at his home in Guiseley.

You can read more about Rob's campaign