Leeds Teacher in Paris Says City is 'Not Dead'

Published 17th Nov 2015

A Leeds teacher currently living in Paris has told Radio Aire people are determined to carry on as normal and prove they are not scared to leave the house.

Dr Claire Lozier is a French Lecturer at Leeds University, but grew up in Paris and is currently on sabbatical there.

She’s been telling us what life is like in the city four days on from the terror attacks which killed 129 people:

“On Sunday I met a friend and we had coffee at a terrace on a very open an exposed area. Many people were there. So I think people are making a point that they are still there and they are still alive, and they’re not going to stop leaving.

“It was really pleasing and relieving to see that people were out on the streets, walking their dogs, sitting at cafes having coffees, reading the papers, chatting. We made the point of sitting in a café having a coffee just to be there. So life was still happening, which was extremely reassuring and good to see.”

Dr Lozier admits people are ‘on edge’ though; which hit home on Sunday when somebody let off some fireworks.

“It’s a bit more quiet than usual of course. People are a bit on edge I suppose. Like yesterday there were two false alerts.

“That triggered panic among people. I was there and I saw people running to the other side of the street and in the opposite direction. Obviously you are getting scared straight away.

“But people are still going to work, the schools have opened. You can go to museums, swimming pools are open.”

A group of Leeds University French students on a trip to Paris confirmed they returned home safely on Sunday.

Writing on the French Society Facebook page, they said:

"We would like to highlight the overwhelming sense of solidarity that we witnessed in France in the face of terrorism.

"We have been completely humbled by the generosity, kindness and humanity that was shown towards us and many others in Paris, and can not emphasise enough our gratitude to those who helped us whilst away.

"We wish to mirror the strength, solidarity and resilience shown by the french in dealing with these atrocities, and urge you to keep Paris and the rest of the world in your thoughts and prayers.

"Nous sommes Paris"