Leeds Mum Says New Knife Laws Don't Go Far Enough

Published 17th Jul 2015

A Leeds mum who's spent 11 years fighting for tougher action on knife crime says new laws coming in today don't go far enough.

Lorraine Fraser's son Tyrone was stabbed to death in Beeston when he was 16 years old.

"I miss him terribly. Not a day goes by I don''t think about him, every minute, every second. I just think he's gone out or he's another room... I know he's not but I try and think that otherwise I'd go crazy.

"Seeing him lie there... That never goes. I see him laid in the hospital, I'll never get that out my head. His sister Shannon, she was four at the time, she remembers him laid out in Beeston with medics around him. That's her last memory."

From today anyone caught carrying a knife TWICE will automatically be jailed, with a maximum sentence of 4 years.

It's expected to put around 1300 extra offenders behind bars - but Lorraine wants to see zero tolerance.

"Why twice? It should be the first time. Then when they put them away work with them. The only way they can work with them is to introduce them to families that have lost loved ones through knife crime to see the real pain and hurt.

"Take them to a hospital - show them what the doctors and nurses do in an operating theatre when someone's been stabbed and they're fighting for their life in that theatre."