Leeds Film Could Win Cannes Prize

Film going to France

Published 20th Jan 2015

A Leeds production company's hoping to return to the Cannes Film Festival this year - thanks to donations made online. Rossi Pictures were there last year have now gone crowdfunding to help finance their latest short: United World. Stewart Ross is one of the producers, "The last film we did was all in house, now we're going through Indiegogo, a fundraising site for various different projects and we've had great support through that. Also the community's really got involved, which is good. We've nearly reached our target, a little way to go." But why should people give up their hard earned cash for this? "It's about us as a production company, the crew all come on board for experience and it's about giving everybody chance to be involved in a project, a local project."

And the timetable is quite hectic, "We're in pre-producing, ready to shoot at the beginning of February, so we're nearly there, deadline's the 3rd of March, so it's a tight schedule. Six days filming, then we're in post-production, so it'll be all hands on Dec." Last year's experiences at Cannes are something they're keen to repeat - hopefully bringing an award back with them, "It was amazing, a great experience, saw a lot of the cast of The Expendables and other big film that were out there. I think to be honest, it's just an achievement that we'd like to progress and see what we can do. Last year we were in the short film corner, this year we're going in the contest!"