Leeds England supporter concerned over Euro 2016 security

A England fans begin to make their way across the channel, one Leeds man has told Radio Aire his concerns ahead of the tournament.

Published 9th Jun 2016

A Leeds football fan who is arriving in France ahead of Euro 2016 has raised concerns over the competition's latest security measures.

Grant Mulligan is worried that the release of a new 'attack alert' app, released by the French authorities yesterday, will create a sense of "mass panic".

Speaking to Radio Aire Grant said the recent threats "haven't done enough to put me off completely, but there's always going to be something in the back of your mind. It's frustrating as a football tournament is meant to be somewhere you go to have a great time and receive a good atmosphere."

Grant also trialled the new app for us: "when you open it it shows you two pictures - one of them is the green screen which is saying there are not alerts. When there is something that happens, there's a big red screen and all it says is 'alert'. If you get that message on your phone screen, what do you do? How can you stop anything from happening to you?"

Organisers are asking England supporters who are attending matches to arrive at grounds up to three hours before kick off.

Security is high after last year's terror attacks in the country's capital.

Grant believes it is a shame the tournament is being overshadowed by the recent fears of an attack.

"I really hope the atmosphere can be as good as it normally is. There's nothing you can do about it if something does happen. I hope that everyone just remains upbeat."

England will take on Russia in their first game of the tournament on Saturday 11th June at 8pm (GMT).