Leeds Boy is Britain's Brightest Child

Top Marks for child prodigy Thomas Frith from Horsforth

Published 29th Jul 2015

The Channel 4 TV programme is now in it's thrid series. Over the last few weeks 20 of the country's cleverest children have been battling it out to be crowned the title. They ranged from age 7 to 12 answering questions of degree level standard on topics like algebra, history, maths and science.

Leeds boy Thomas seemed to blitz the final of the competition, he was up against Sasha, a 12 year old 'history buff and feminist.'

Radio Aire met Thomas and his mum Deborah at their house in Horsforth. Thomas said he loved every minute of the contest and made some great friends, the competition took a lot of work and now that has paid off.

The mum of Britains Brainiest child told us Thomas was reading encyclopedias in his cot and they don't need Google, they just ask Thomas!

Thomas takes his intelligence in his stride, he told us anyone can get an A Level in Maths if they put their mind to it. But most kids are not really bothered about it. Thomas' Mum says his intelligence comes from his Dad, a physicist and self taught computer programmer, he died of leukaemia, before Thomas' second birthday.

The programme is run with British Mensa, a society for people in the UK whose IQ is the top 2 % in the country.