‘Hero’ Police Officer Saves Leeds Family from Burning Home

Published 28th Jan 2015

A Leeds police officer has been hailed a hero after rushing into a burning building to rescue a mother and her two children.

The fire started at a property on Luttrell Crescent in Ireland Wood on January 3rd after the cooker was left on by accident. The family had retreated upstairs to get away from the smoke.

PC Umer Saeed smashed a window and managed to get the family out of the house safely, before firefighters even arrived.

“My gut instinct at the time was that I couldn’t leave the family in the burning house and wait for anybody,” he told us. “I had to act and that’s what I did.

“The smoke was acrid and I couldn’t breathe but I was focused on finding them and getting them out in one piece.

“It feels a bit overwhelming; it’s just what I’ve done for the past 15-16 years. I’m not used to being in the limelight.”

Temporary Chief Superintendent Mabs Hussain said: “PC Saeed clearly displayed the qualities of bravery and professionalism that we so often see from our officers and staff in situations where people are in danger.”

The family were treated for smoke inhalation but were not seriously injured.