Food Poisioning Warnings for Valentines Day Diners

Published 14th Feb 2015

Over 90 percent of couples in Leeds will be marking Valentine’s day with a meal out - but could dinner turn into disaster?

A survey's found almost half of us never check the hygiene rating of a restaurant before booking a table.

That’s despite bad restaurant experiences being responsible for a third of all nightmare nights out.

Daters in Leeds also report that getting food poisoning is the worst thing that could happen on Valentine’s day – matched only by being dumped.

Leeds Environmental Health Manager Andrew Mason told us you should always check a place out before going there:

“Put simply, the risk of any business that’s not operating hygienically is food poisoning. Which, for most people, is relatively short-lived – 24/48 hours – but it’s something that obviously you would want to avoid.

“All businesses when inspected are given a rating, and food proprietors are encouraged to display that on their business. It’s not actually a legal requirement, but on the food standards agency website you can get the ratings of any business.

“And perhaps you might want to ask yourself: if a business doesn’t display a rating, why is that?”