National Trust condemns people who started Marsden wildfire

Crews were first called to the scene at 7pm last night.

"Our crews are working tirelessly to get the fire under control on Marsden Moor" - WYFRS
Author: Henry WinterPublished 26th Apr 2021
Last updated 26th Apr 2021

26/4 9AM: The National trust has confirmed the fire on Marsden Moor was started by people, rather than a natural occurrence.

Countryside Manager for the National Trust, Craig Best, said: “It’s so frustrating to see yet another fire on our moors after all the hard work our team have put in to try and restore the landscape after last time. Although not on the same area of land as the 2019 fire, this fire has also destroyed a crucial area for rare birds and mammals, as well as carbon-capturing blanket bog.”

“We’re so grateful to West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service for their efforts. Unfortunately, this was another fire started by people, and could have so easily been avoided.”

“Climate change is causing more frequent and intense spells of hot, dry weather, which turns these upland areas into tinder boxes. That’s why our team are working hard to re-wet these moorlands and to educate people on the dangers of fires, fireworks and BBQs on open moors.”

26/4 8AM: 4 fire engines and specialist wildfire units are tackling small pockets of fire on Marsden Moor this morning.

West Yorkshire Fire Service is working alongside Greater Manchester fire crews to tackle the moorland blaze, which started last night at 7pm

At its height, 10 fire engines were tackling the 1-mile-long 'flame front'.


26/4 6AM: Blowers and beaters have been used by West Yorkshire’s fire crews as they tackle a moorland blaze in Marsden.

Firefighters have been battling the 1-mile flame front since 7pm last night.

People are being asked to avoid travelling through the area and keep their doors and windows closed.