Drug Warning For West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire Police warn about "killer" ecstasy

Published 9th Jan 2015

West Yorkshire Police are warning about 'Superman Ecstasy' pills which have been linked to the death of four people in Suffolk and Shropshire in recent weeks. Officers say they've not had any reports of the drug turning up in West Yorkshire, but belive it's possible they could be brought here. This particular batch of ecstasy, which comes in the form of a red tablet featuring a Superman 'S' logo design.

Bryan Dent, West Yorkshire Police's Drugs Coordinator, said: "Provisional forensic tests from the Suffolk investigation indicates the tablets that led to the deaths contained a particularly harmful and dangerous ingredient (PMMA). This is more likely than usual to cause harm or even death to anyone taking the drug.

"Users of any drug can never be really sure of the contents of anything they take but with ecstasy, which is a class A drug meaning it's illegal to possess and supply, the potential health issues are very real and potentially fatal."