Documentary Sparks Tooth Decay Warning for Leeds

Published 18th Feb 2015

A new documentary about childhood obesity has sparked a tooth decay warning for Leeds

‘Junk Food Kids: Who’s To Blame?’ was largely filmed in hospitals here.

It features children as young as thirteen considering gastric band surgery.

“By five years of age, we’ve got about a third of children having decay,” says Stephen Fayle, a paediatric dental consultant at the LGI who features in the two-part series.

“And even earlier than that, at three years of age, one in five children has got decay.”

The documentary, which airs on Channel 4 at 10pm, looks at the link between obesity and poor dental hygiene.

Stephen says there are some common mistakes that mums and dads might be making:

“Many parents think ‘fruit – that’s healthy, it’s part of your five a day’. But actually fruit - and juices in particular - are very high in sugar. They’re also very acidic, and they can do quite a lot of damage to a child’s teeth.”

The documentary asks what can be done about the fact that a third of British children are now overweight or obese.

It includes the story of a four-year-old having an operation at Leeds Dental Institute, and a child who’s put on four and a half stone in the last year.