Dewsbury brothers jailed for historic child sex offences

Three Dewsbury brothers have been sentenced to a combined 63 years in prison for the rape of teenage girls

From left to right, Mohammed Jabar Qayum, Zafar Qayum, Ansar Qayum
Author: Katie LyonsPublished 16th Sep 2022
Last updated 16th Sep 2022

Three Dewsbury brothers have been sentenced to a combined 63 years in prison for the rape of teenage girls.

Brothers Zafar (42), Ansar (45) and Mohammed Jabbar Qayum (41) were all jailed at Leeds Crown Court on Friday September 16 after being found guilty of multiple non recent sexual offences against teenage victims.

The men were all jailed as part of an ongoing major Kirklees Police enquiry into the sexual exploitation of young teenage girls in North Kirklees between 1999 and 2012.

At the sentencing hearing, the men were jailed for the following offences:

Zafar Qayum (42) from Dewsbury was sentenced to 30 years for six counts of rape, five counts of indecent assault and three counts of aiding and abetting rape. The offending took place against three victims.

Zafar Qayum (42)

Ansar Qayum (45) from Dewsbury was sentenced to 20 years for four counts of rape and one offence of attempted indecent assault. The offending took place against two victims.

Ansar Qayum (45)

Mohammed Jabbar Qayum (41) from Dewsbury was sentenced to 13 years for two offences of rape committed against one victim.

Mohammed Jabbar Qayum (41)

The men were jailed for offences committed between 1999 and 2004 involving three young teenagers who were aged between 13 and 15 when they were sexually abused.

All of the three girls were described as particularly vulnerable at the time they came into contact with the males, and all were the victims of grooming.

Police investigations into the matter began in earnest in 2017 after one of the women came forwards to report what had happened to her.

Leeds Crown Court heard that whilst Zafar was the main offender, the Qayum brothers also committed serious sexual offences against the female victims involved.

DCI Ian Thornes of Kirklees Police, said: “This has been a deeply distressing and highly disturbing case involving the dreadful sexual abuse of young females by three brothers.

“The court heard some highly disturbing evidence of how poorly these young victims were treated with all three brothers being found guilty of encouraging the sexual abuse of victims.

“We welcome the substantial sentences handed down to them at court today and believe these reflect the gravity of the acts they committed.

He added: “I want to praise the courage of the women in this case whose determination to seek justice has ensured these men have been forced to account for their actions.

“We continue to urge victims to come forwards and can promise all reports will be thoroughly and sensitively investigated.”
