Department for Transport to move jobs to Leeds

650 jobs will be split between Yorkshire and Birmingham

Author: Matt SoanesPublished 15th Mar 2021
Last updated 18th Mar 2021

The Department for Transport says its planning to open a 'northern hub' in Leeds by 2025.

A total of 650 jobs will be created in Yorkshire and at a new base in Birmingham, according to ministers.

The government department's existing base in London will be kept open.

Ministers are trying to move more than 20,000 civil service roles out of London over the next decade, with many planned to move to Yorkshire.

Rishi Sunak announced that the UK's first infrastructure bank will be based in Leeds in his budget earlier this month.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said:

"This is a historic move for the department and part of a significant wider culture change across Whitehall.

"Transport is absolutely vital to the local communities we serve and having hubs in major cities like Birmingham and Leeds will offer a fresh perspective on how we can better serve these areas.''

Leeds City Council leader James Lewis says the plans for the city highlight "the importance of Leeds, not just to our region but to the north of England and the UK''.