Cellino Quits United

Published 23rd Jan 2015

Massimo Cellino has just announced his resignation from his post at Leeds United, after the Football League ruled that a conviction for tax irregularities in Italy means he fails the "fit and proper" persons test for club ownership. An official statement's been released by the club in the last few minutes:

"It is with great sadness and frustration that I have to take this step, however I abide by the Football League's decision to temporarily disqualify me from this great football club and will return in April in good health and good spirits.

"I have done my best for a club and fans that I hold close to my heart and it is now financially much stronger than it has been for a long time. It will continue to thrive and I am sincerely looking forward to returning very soon."

"I have done my best for a club and fans that I hold close to my heart and it is now financially much stronger than it has been for a long time. It will continue to thrive and I am sincerely looking forward to returning very soon."

Still Marching on Together.