Campaign to Stop 'Sexting' in Leeds

Published 4th Aug 2015

A new campaign has been launched across West Yorkshire to put the brakes on young people “sexting”.

West Yorkshire Police’s “Think Before You Send” campaign is aimed at advising sixteen year olds and under of the negative impact sharing sexually explicit material can have on their lives and future.

DCI Sue Jenkinson said: "Sexting’ is an activity we have become increasingly aware of amongst young people and many may not realise that what they are doing is illegal or that it may be potentially harmful to them in the future.”

"Those who encourage people under 16 to take sexually explicit pictures of themselves should be under no illusion though that what they are doing is a criminal offence which will be investigated.”

Amongst the materials produced to help with the campaign are posters and a webpage, at .

DCI Jenkinson adds: "Any image of yourself that you send, can and might be shared by the person you sent it to, or even used for blackmail. Remember, once you press send you press send, 'you can't undo and can't go back.'

"I would urge teenagers to think about when someone might ask you to send a naked or indecent image.