Calls for Jo Cox attack 'hero' Bernard Kenny to get Pride of Britain

Bernard Kenny, 77, was stabbed in the stomach when he tried to help Jo Cox during the attack in Birstall

Published 20th Jun 2016

A Birstall pub is urging people to nominate the have-a-go hero pensioner who tried to save MP Jo Cox for a Pride of Britain award.

77 year old Bernard Kenny was stabbed in the stomach when he tried to help Mrs Cox after she was shot and stabbed in Birstall.

Local pub, The Scotland, created a Facebook post urging people to "put Birstall on the map for something good for someone special."

The post has now gone viral with over 5,000 shares and 6,000 likes.

It comes as calls were made for Mr Kenny to recieve the George Cross for his bravery.

Pub landlady Collette Hemmingway is a friend of Bernard Kenny, having served him regularly since she took over the pub last year. She told Radio Aire: "We know the family personally, it's been a horiffic few days for everybody in Birstall."

"What he's done is just so brave but what an incredible act. Selfless, he just jumped in there and that situation could have been far, far worse. He deserves recognition for that."

"A 77-year-old man to wade in like that is amazing, and I hope he does get something for this."

Mr Kenny has now been discharged from hospital. It's understood he is a former miner who was part of the rescue operation during the 1973 Lofthouse Collier mining rescue operation.

Speaking about what Bernard is like, Collette said: "He's a really nice man who just goes about his day. But he's stepped up to the line of duty before and he's gone and done it again."

Nominations for Pride of Britain can be made on the awards website.