73 Parks Awarded 'Green Flag' Award

It's the highest number of awards ever handed out.

Published 17th Jul 2017
Last updated 17th Jul 2017

73 parks in Scotland have been presented with the prestigious Green Flag Award - the highest number ever awarded.

4 parks were given the flag for the first time; Johnston Gardens in Aberdeen, Silver Stands & Hawcraig Point in Fife, Haugh Park in Fife and Dundee Law.

Edinburgh received the highest number of awards with 30 going to that area - including Princes Street Gardens. Glasgow recieved 7 flags.

The award, from environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful, recognises the park's high quality and standards. It aims to promote that well kept parks are a centre point of stable communities and can bring health benefits - such as encouraging children to play outside.

Derek Robertson, chief executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful, said "Good quality green open spaces are vital to the health and wellbeing of local communities and individuals. Parks and open spaces are a fantastic asset - they are free to use and provide opportunities to exercise and socialise."